ruralMED Health and Wellness
211 W 14th Ave - Lower Level, Holdrege, NE, United States
This support group meeting is open to all clients and family members or friends interested in the IP Program. Item to note: Ideal Protein has come out with a "Smart Scale and Wrist Band" for sale to our clients. This scale will measure your weight, body fat, lean mass and hydration level then sync to your smart phone and on […]
The Evaluation and Management (E/M) code set will be undergoing a slew of changes for inpatient and observation care services, nursing facility services, prolonged care codes, home visits, emergency department services, and many others. Starting January 1st, 2023, the American Medical Association will revise major sections of the Evaluation and Management chapter guidelines These include changes to the medical decision […]
This one-hour webinar will cover the major provisions of the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Final Rule for 2023. This year, the CMS MPFS Proposed Rule brought on a number of proposed changes to payment policies, payment rates, and other provisions for 2023. Join us to discuss the potential impact on your organization and navigate the upcoming changes! […]
Each year the CPT and HCPCS code sets undergo significant changes and knowing and understanding these changes ensure a smooth transition into the new year. Come January 1st, there are ample code changes within the updated CPT manual. These adjustments include additions and revisions to evaluation and management services, preventative care services, immunization services, cardiologic, and radiologic procedures, surgical services, […]
Grab a fresh cup of your favorite brew and attend our upcoming 2025 ICD-10-CM & PCS Update Webinar and walk away with the knowledge to ensure coding compliance and accuracy come October 1st!